The Health Lottery | Bonus Ball
Movement Genre:
• Acrobatics / Gymnastics / Tricking
• Breaking (Break Dance)
• Comedy
• Commercial Dance
• Movement Direction / Coaching
• Physical Theatre
The Health Lottery is a lottery game which is specifically designed to raise money for local health causes. Tickets that are purchased for the game raise a huge amount of funding for a variety of health-related organisations across Great Britain.
In this new branding campaign The Health Lottery introduces a Bonus Ball to the current game, giving players twice as many chances to win. To illustrate this exciting addition, the Bonus Ball is represented by a comedy superhero character who joins the cast of characters representing the current lottery balls. Using a creative approach involving dance performances, tricks & stunts, movement & choreography was created to highlight the new bonus ball & visually illustrate the new combination of prizes capturing the fun, excitement, jubilation & celebration of the Health Lottery brand.